> FREE financial consultation ~ just click
Our Promise
Rest assured that when we meet for your complementary consultation, you will not need
to bring your checkbook and we will not be sending a bill.
Our Objective
This valuable time together is used to discover if there is a good fit between us,
to understand your needs and determine how we can best help you.
Your Choice
In this meeting you will have questions as will we. If you feel that we are a good fit
for you, we then agree to get working on your needs in a follow-up meeting.
What happens in your FREE consultation?
We listen.
We gather an understanding of what your concerns and goals are.
We expect that you will be doing most of the talking - we want to understand your own unique situation.
We express any initial dangers or opportunities that we identify based on what you told us.
We help you understand what can be done to address your concerns and goals.
If we all feel that needs should be addressed, we then talk about how you would like to proceed.
Once an agreement is made on how you would like to proceed, we then discuss the various flexible options of working together.
>Transparency > Integrity > Flexibility > Fee - Based > Objective